When moving from another Club your WHS Handicap Index can be transferred to Horne Park upon receipt
of your (10 digit) National ID number.

New members requiring a Handicap are to submit cards for 54 holes of golf, 3x18 holes, 6x9 holes or
any combination. However the preferred submission would contain at least 1 x 18 hole card.

They must be played at Horne Park (preferably over a Measured Course) before a handicap can be issued.
Ideally all cards should be submitted within a six month period.

    a) Cards must be dated and clearly marked 'For Handicap'. (See example below)
    b) Player's name to be printed as Player A.
    c) Marker's name to be printed as Marker/Player D.
                       *The Marker can be a Member (preferably with WHS Handicap) or                                                                                                                                                           * Any member from another club (with WHS Handicap                                                                                                                                                         d) Both the player and marker must sign the completed card.                                                                                                                                                                 e) The card should then be put into Handicap Secretary's box.                                                                                                                                                          

                                       If the above procedure is not followed the cards will not be accepted.                                                                                                              
When the required number of cards have been submitted the player will be issued a WHS "Handicap Index" within the range +5.0 to 54.0. This "Handicap Index" can be used worldwide and is used to calculate a "Course Handicap" for the course being played. The "Course Handicap" will change from course to course and even on tees used. The "Course Handicap" can be higher or lower than you’re your "Handicap Index" depending upon the difficulty (Slope Rating) of the course being played: -

                                   Course Handicap = "Handicap Index" x (Slope Rating/113).

Roger Wood
Handicap Secretary
18th January 2023

Horne Park Golf Club Members
Horne Park Golf Club, Croydon Barn Lane, Horne, South Godstone, RH9 8JP
Telephone: 01342 844443